Coo from the Coop for the week of March 4th

Coming up this August will be the fourth National Championship for Cornhole Canada. This means even the best throwers in Canada have only been throwing for 3.5 years. I remember my first National event. It was right here in Regina in 2022 and was so much fun. Being...

Coo from the Coop for the week of February 26

Last week I wrote about how there is time to gain valuable Cornhole Canada points and to try and get into one of the four top 16 events at Nationals. This week, I want to write about the exciting few months leading up to the summer. Summer is always difficult for the...

Coo from the Coop for the week of February 19

I am back at it after a few weeks from the blog.  Thank you, Oopsidacey, for filling in for me while I was away.  Your insight was welcomed, and you did an amazing job.  It did not affect your ability to get to the finals, but it did not change what you did once you...

Coo from the Coop for the week of February 13th

Welcome cornhole family to the second and final guest blog that I will be writing as Kevin is away. I would like to once again thank Kevin for giving me the opportunity to contribute to his blog while he is away. Hello, I’m Mike Dacey, and I’m excited to...

Coo from the Coop for the week of February 6th

Greetings cornhole family, This week I am both excited and honored to write the first-ever guest blog as Kevin is away, and to share my thoughts with you. In the spirit of continuity, I’d like to extend my gratitude to Kevin for inviting me to contribute to this...

Coo from the Coop for the week of January 30th

The SCA’s goals and objectives are to build cornhole in Saskatchewan. The players are the key to our success, and to ensure we achieve our goals and objectives, we need to support and give back to the players.  Our players make a big commitment to play...
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